Mediaburst online manual

Sending SMS campaigns with our straightforward platform is easy, and there is no need to install any software.

Creating an email campaign

The EMAIL composition menu item of the Trendoo reserved area allows you to CREATE A NEW EMAIL using your own HTML code or one of our templates.

Warning: we remind you that before you can start sending your EMAIL campaigns, you need to set the DNS parameters correctly, as described on this page . For any doubts about it, please contact Customer Care .

html email template

It is therefore the starting point for the following activities:

  1. Create an email draft
  2. Send a test email (e.g. to your email address)
  3. Launch actual email campaign

The first step is the creation of a draft, which you can decide to send immediately or save for the future. To create a new draft email, simply follow the STEP suggested by the system.

The five steps are:

  1. Configuration
  2. Templates
  3. Editor
  4. Recipients
  5. Summary