Account and user structure
A user is an individual that can access the account and each has different access levels dependant on the role that has been configured (either Editor or Admin). An account can have multiple users with different roles. All users on an account can use and see all information in the account; send sms, campaigns, receive, VMNs, and contacts, however, only admin user roles can see account settings, billing, sub-account settings (if a super-account) and user management.
The first user on the account when it is setup is always an admin role, as they will need to be able to manage the settings of the account as the only user. Although, their role will be defined as “owner”, this has the same permissions as an admin, but, ensures that the account always has an admin role which cannot be removed.
You can identify if you are an admin or editor user in a similar way to how it this was done on the legacy platform. Simply check which settings you can see within the platform, or consult your admin (owner) user. If you are an admin you can see features including the shop and account settings, if you are an editor these settings will not be visible (see below image).

The admin/owner can also review which role each user is on the account by going to Account settings > User management, and reviewing the “role” status for each user.

Within the platform you have the ability to structure your account in multiple ways to help manage and separate parts of your business and users. Below we will explain the different ways your can structure your accounts, the features this gives, and how you can get this activated.
There is three types of account within our platform:
- Normal account: Just one account where all products, settings and features reside
- Super-account: Contains all products, settings and features but can also create and manage multiple sub-accounts (children), for example setting restrictions or managing credit
- Sub-account: Child of a super-account. This account can have its own products, settings and features but cannot share/ view the super-account ones (separate contacts, products, users). This account is only connected to the main account via the credits feature, where the main account shares its credit with all sub-accounts for them to use for messaging. Sub-accounts cannot see the shop or buy credits directly.
A new account will be opened as a ‘normal’ account, if you would like to have a ‘super’ and associated ‘sub-accounts’ please contact our support team who can assist.